Got a call this afternoon from a # I dind't was our own Galen Benson, aka BenBow!
His surgery went well...the surgeon did some twisting and turning things to get more of the bloody tumor then other had done... found it just started to attach a few places to parts of the bowel so they resectioned those area and Galen said he felt pretty great...but knew when the epidural wears off, he'll be hurting till the other meds kick in...but he's pleased, grateful to God things went well and that the surgeon was encouraged and pleased with the results!
He said it was ok to post cause he'll be laid up a while yet in the Horse Pistol.
Benson, ole Hoss, Prayers for less pain, quick healing and a return to normal functions soon with new vigor and energy!
Keep the Son in your eyes, bro!
UPDATE: Easter AM, Galen has had a drug reaction and is coveting prayers.