If you can't grip anything, it sounds like it tennis elbow (a repetitive motion injury to the tendons). I had the exact same symptoms from swimming and shooting a bow.
Do not live with it hoping it will go away because it will not without the proper treatment. The tendon needs to heal, be stretched and strengthened. My Dr. and physical theripist advised against "resting" it and waiting, you need to keep it active so that you will regain strength. It can be easily treated in about a month. Go to a sports medicine Dr. and they likely will get you into ultra sound treatments and physical therapy. Avoid cortisone shots as they will make it feel better for the short term but increase healing time. It is a fairly simple cure, you just have to spend the time doing the exercises and stretching. they may also recommend a tennis elbow or similar brace. Also, they likely will encourage you to keep shooting on a limited basis as you strengthen your elbow. You will need to ice your elbow after shooting. The Dr. also recommend a two week period with a high dose of Aleve to help the inflammation around the tendon.
Once again, do not wait, get it taken care of.
Good luck