I have to ask for continued prayers for Grayson. He has now had three heart surgeries--all in in the month of August--and the last one was partially to undo some of what was done the first time, in addition to cutting away some muscle tissue that was blocking one of his arteries.
His main problem now, though, is that he is backed into a corner. He has a very serious blood infection while on a heart/lung bypass pump that is helping to keep him alive. The pump and all the other IV's and drains in his poor little body make it nearly impossible to fight an infection, but at the same time they are needed to keep blood circulating at an adequate level, for administering all the medicines he needs, and for draining all the excess fluids his body is producing. He has truly reached a very critical point.
I feel like I should share something my parents relayed to me today, although you might think I've gone off the deep end. They've been staying at our house this weekend with our 3-year-old while my wife and I have stayed at the hospital. When I came home this afternoon, they told me how when they got up this morning, the light was on in Grayson's room. They knew the light had not been on when they went to bed--our bedroom door and Grayson's door are directly across the hall from each other so the light would have kept them awake. They knew they had not turned it on and it wasn't possible for our 3-year-old to reach it even with a step stool, plus he was still asleep.
They told me this just a couple hours after the ICU doctor told me Grayson may not be able to recover from this--she said it in a very matter of fact way as if to prepare me for what is coming, and the whole discussion just keeps playing over and over in my mind. But then I get home and my parents tell me this about the light. They say it and wait with strange looks on their faces, as if I'm going to tell them they're crazy. But my reaction was just the opposite... I told God this afternoon that I didn't need any signs, I just need Grayson healed. But there is no doubt my faith wavered terribly when the doctor told me the infection could kill him. Hearing about the light brought an immediate smile to my face, like the world was lifted off my shoulders. But I don't think it means we should stop praying for him. He's still a very sick little boy and your prayers would be greatly appreciated.