Allow me to wax philosophical for a moment if you will...
So many say above they cannot understand how folks can commit such horrific things...
The fact you've come here to post indicates that you and those among us, have a spiritual anchor.
I can't help but wonder whether those who are involved in such atrocities have such a spiritual grounding and belief in God? Many past such incidences revealed later the perp was a tortured soul without hope.
No matter how bad things are, no matter how disappointed or devastated the situation we face, we KNOW that our life here is a but a bus stop and our true reward is in Heaven. Hope springs eternal if we but allow for His Will, not ours!
I fear those who perpetrate such awful things on others have no such hope. No such belief system and no personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.
It does NOT help make sense of these awful happenings, but it does call us to renew our devotion to the purpose of this site's pray thru all these things, be in Christian community with one another and to set aside our petty disagreements and put Love front and center.
Lord, be with all those who are reeling in disbelief and agony at this terrible new loss in our society, in China and around the globe. Help us to reconnect and once again become "One Nation Under God!"