Had the delight today of a call from Dave.
He sounded pretty good to start, then I could tell he was struggling some so we cut it off.
He asked to share his thanks for prayers. He's been sent home for a few weeks to see if he can get his strength up. He had such fluid build up due to the heart not working well, and the diuretic they gave him screwed up his kidneys some, so now he's fighting that as well... and his sugar is all over the place.
He covets your continued prayers. He goes back 2/7 to see if his body is strong enough for the bypass surgery and his kidneys are functioning better on their own.
It was wonderful to hear his voice. He's a good man and a good friend.
Lord, Thy Will be done, but we beseech you on behalf of all those in need posted here to receive your Grace and Mercy and healing. Amen.