Move went well.
Thanks to all for prayers!
We left Friday, my best friend's widow followed me in her car and me in my F150 loaded to the gills!
Off we went... drove hard all day from 6:15A to 3:30pm we rolled into the settlement place parking lot... I was whupped... that ole F150 and I have never sustained 70-80MPH for so long... whew.
Settlement went without a hitch... so far. There is a section (sliver) of land to be surveyed and deeded to my plot, but due to some admin changes in the county it has to go thru the board, so it will be done up separate.
BOX Truck arrived Sat... only 4 of the 12 people promised showed, so my friend and I, both somewhat long in tooth, ended up humping boxes all day along with trying to direct traffic of the 3 of 4 who actually helped measurably. And boy did they work...
My friend and I got dishes unpacked and washed up Sunday, living and bedroom set up, but the rest? WEll, it looks like a grenade went off elsewhere in the house. Buttoned up Mon. I left my truck there and drove back w/ my friend, so I can clean and get my move out inspection this week. Then drive back this weekend for good!
Might be a while till I'm back on here as I don't know what ISP I can get or want down there.
Cheers to all and thanks for all the prayers. God was faithful!