Ah....haven't tried yet, but have for many, many decades worn the high compression knee high socks due to a prior accident and circulation issues while living in MT...
Picture a rain spout section. Then picture holes in either side nearest to your face with big ropes thru the holes with large knots to keep from pulling back thru...got it? Now make the rain spout out of plastic... you slip the compression hosiery rolled up over the end of the spouting, powder your foot and the inside of the spout, slip you foot in and pull up the spouting.
Haven't done the thigh high yet...still wearing the ones they put on me in the horsepistol.
They were to send me home with a 2nd pair to switch out, but did not...so I didn't take them off. At PT today, I got my other pair so tomorrow, I'll be checking that out to see i f it works the same!
Hoping they work much the same... once over the heel, it should be simple to work up the rest, as I CAN bend that far...
Getting in and out of that infernal "CPM" machine is a workout in its own right... PT said their exercises, + ice and such are more important... and the surgeon provided blow up hickeys to put over your sweats/britches (calves) and a thing for the knee and you plug into a battery operated controller.
PFfttttt...PnA$$ to hook up, takes 1.5 seconds to blow up the leg things and INSTANTLY lets down, (can't feel any compression) then the other one, then a lull while it struggles to blow up the bigger knee brace with ice pack and then starts over... time of compression is totally nil on the legs... I'm going to blow it off...too much important stuff to do!
BTW, the rain spout, with compression knee high, would fold up so severely it'd crack down the middle...I hear they now make them of metal!