Dear God I ask again please shut the mouth of the Liberal garbage that is tormenting this Country and our new President of these United States of America.
The enemy is trying their best to disrupt what is right God and I believe you have sent the President we need to put You First .
We aren't perfect and our Country is full of sin and one example of why I wanted us to pray for our new President is to see real changes that honor you God because our Liberals and other's that are blinded by the Truth have torn the Law you have written in our hearts and proof of this Liberal garbage and it hurts me to see the unborn have No say if they can live or die and you ask us to be the voice and I listen to you God.
Some think I don't love my neighbor but dear God three examples are our three children that were found abandoned on roads and are gifts from you God with one only 2 days old born with no thumbs, another 2 months old with a cleft lip and palat and our first was 5 months old and they are living proof we are doing what you ask.
Our mortgage has doubled and you have provided us with jobs to keep our heads above water and thank you God for providing us!
No one needed to know that but want those who doubt that my heart does care about my neighbor and willing to take the risk and you provided!
If folks can't see we need to change things I don't hate them just hate their way of thinking that this is right when it's wrong
I know it is Murder when children can't have a say if they can live cause they are ripped from the womb by the sick minded.
I do thank you God for letting our three live to see light of day cause you know someone will love them. Let our Laws be the Laws you have written .
We are being attacked by the devil and his demons and please shine your light on the darkness in this world.
Now for those that have been a thorn in my side the last couple of days I just ask you to Pray not to Prey on those that do is that much to ask of you?
If you haven't gotten your prayer request and not who you elected then you do know you can start your own post and I won't interrupt you and let you have your own prayer time with God .
I'm asked to pray harder from one here for what I would like to see happen and I will so God will you please put a seal on the mouths of the ones who prey on those that actually come here to Pray and I again ask this is Jesus name! Amen