Here's a copy of a couple of posts I've made on another, older, thread that may help folks understand a bit more.....
"Remember when I said we were 'positive not negative'?
Here's a post by Rob that was read negative by a member just today....
""quote:Originally posted by adkmountainken:
i wanted to share a few pic's of the railroad spike hawk that was presented to me by Woodchucker at my hunt last year. ...""
""quote:Originally posted by Admin:
Is this a throwing 'hawk?
I got an email from a member that felt Rob was using police entrapment tactics to get the thread pulled......he obviously read the post negative.
If you read it positive, then you can see that Rob is asking so the thread can stay. If not, then Rob had to pull it to be fair to all the other members that had throwing hawk threads pulled. Being fair is a positive as well.
Any post you see by a moderator, or email you receive can have two tones....all depends on how you want to read it. If you read it in a positive tone I think things are understood much easier.....as we all know the typed word is often miss-read. That's why a lot of the times I email people my phone number."