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Author Topic: Moderator!  (Read 3409 times)

Online Terry Green

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2007, 09:51:00 PM »

Here's a copy of a couple of posts I've made on another, older, thread that may help folks understand a bit more.....

"Remember when I said we were 'positive not negative'?

Here's a post by Rob that was read negative by a member just today....


        ""quote:Originally posted by adkmountainken:
        i wanted to share a few pic's of the railroad spike hawk that was presented to me by Woodchucker at my hunt last year. ...""

""quote:Originally posted by Admin:

    Is this a throwing 'hawk?


I got an email from a member that felt Rob was using police entrapment tactics to get the thread pulled......he obviously read the post negative.

If you read it positive, then you can see that Rob is asking so the thread can stay. If not, then Rob had to pull it to be fair to all the other members that had throwing hawk threads pulled. Being fair is a positive as well.

Any post you see by a moderator, or email you receive can have two tones....all depends on how you want to read it. If you read it in a positive tone I think things are understood much easier.....as we all know the typed word is often miss-read. That's why a lot of the times I email people my phone number."
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"It's important,  when going after a goal, to never lose sight of the integrity of the journey" - Andy Garcia

'An anchor point is not a destination, its  an evolution to conclusion'

Online Terry Green

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2007, 09:52:00 PM »
"    quote:Originally posted by heydeerman:
    They do keep things on target on this site.

Hey........that's a great way to phrase it...I usually email folks,...'to keep the site focused'...or 'keep the site on course'.

I think I'll use 'on target' from now on...Thanks!

BTW....if people only knew how fast this forum could get out of hand, or, if they spent a few months as a moderator....they would know and understand a LOT more. Its work...and kind of a 'tuff love' to pull threads....but things can snowball pretty dang fast if you aren't on top of it. And, the amount of people that spam and 'work the board' advertising,...and the slick ways they try and go about it. We catch most of that REAL quick.

Thanks for understanding guys......means a lot, more than you know."
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"It's important,  when going after a goal, to never lose sight of the integrity of the journey" - Andy Garcia

'An anchor point is not a destination, its  an evolution to conclusion'

Offline Over&Under

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2007, 09:59:00 PM »
I have had several pulled, and always got an email, and each one had a great explanation of why.  Thanks for all of the efforts of our mods to keep the site what it is.

You can't please all of them all the time, only some of them some of the time.

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Offline jacobsladder

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2007, 10:08:00 PM »
Ive had mine pulled or moved...always an explanation and understanding.... best site around with a bunch of time and effort put in!!! We should be thanking the moderators for such a great site and be understanding enough to know that a occasional mishap may happen.... and yes these forums can snowball very quickly...i see it on other sites and it is disgusting!
TGMM Family of the Bow

"There's a race of men that dont fit in, A race that can't stay still; So they break the hearts of kith and kin, And they roam the world at will"  Robert Service

Offline horatio1226

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2007, 10:11:00 PM »
It feels kinda like the way I protect my kids. They don't even know of the threat. I know that if I am not relentless in my protection of my kids and all of the outside influences, then things can very easily get out of contol.I feel like a 5 year old that is oblivious to what is going on around him. I really appreciate the time you took to explain this, even though you're having a rough night.
"So long as the moon returns to the heavens in a bent, beautiful arc, so long will the fascination with archery in man lasts."

Offline DW

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2007, 10:18:00 PM »
Terry, thanks for all the work you and the mods put into Tradgang. It has become a part of our daily "routine" to visit here. The knowledge of the members here is 'PRICE-LESS'...We learn something new everyday....We've met so many people, who have become some of our best friends, that with-out this web site,would not have been possible...and we're just getting started.....Hard to put into words how we feel about this place....Don't let up and keep this a place where I'm not afraid to let Skyler come to anytime.....Don
TGMM Family of the Bow

Online Terry Green

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2007, 10:23:00 PM »

Yep...just tucked my little one in.  No worries.

Thanks Don.....looking forward to meeting you real soon.
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"It's important,  when going after a goal, to never lose sight of the integrity of the journey" - Andy Garcia

'An anchor point is not a destination, its  an evolution to conclusion'

Offline vermonster13

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2007, 10:37:00 PM »
Heck I've been moderated and have moderated other moderators. Were people too trying to do the best we can to keep the site civil and on point. Lots of folks have tried to take advantage of members here and most never see them because we do get pretty serious about watching out for the 99% good members. We can make mistakes and when we do we try our best to fix them. I have a 4 year old myself and like being able to bring him on here to see all the "cool stuff" as he calls it and know it is a place he is protected from what so much of the rest of the internet has become. A place that still has a solid core of traditional values.
TGMM Family of the Bow
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Offline ken denton

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2007, 10:54:00 PM »
Merry "Tradgang" christmas! What a wounderful computer site that has educated me and others so much it is hard to explain. Thanks and "Tradgang forever". Ken
"Arrows into the wind", What a wounderful sight!!!

Offline Widowbender

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2007, 10:57:00 PM »
Thanks Guys, Don't change a thing!!!
Merry Christmas



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Offline sswv

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2007, 11:08:00 PM »
I posted a picture of a European Starling that I shot with a longbow a long time back. It was pulled pretty quick because the moderator wasn't very knowledgable of the laws in WV. He wanted to be positive it was a legal kill I guess. Anyway' WV Hunting Regulations state that there is a "continious open season" on the bird along with several other critters. Not bashing the moderator by any means I just wish he would have checked it out before yanking my post. Oh well' water under the bridge. I guess we're all guilty of jumping the gun sometimes. And yes' I like this site better than any other on the net. Very good people here for sure. Glad to be a part of it.

Hope everyone has a VERY Merry Christmas!

Offline Molson

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2007, 11:13:00 PM »
Once I posted a thread on my son's first kill.  It was a monster and he took it during the youth gun season.  I was really only posting because I was trying to learn Photobucket and I kinda figured it would get pulled.  The moderator sent me a PM and I chuckled a bit when I read it because it was so apologetic.  I felt bad for him.  I'm sure it's difficult to know you have to pull something, especially a post about someone's kid, without knowing what the reaction will be.  

All the moderators here do a great job.  Once you've been around for awhile, it's really no surprise at what threads get pulled.  There's nothing personal or unfair about it. These guys don't owe you or me anything. The rules are pretty clear.  

Despite this, they still take the time to notify you as to why you screwed up and give you an opportunity (sometimes including their own personal contact info) to respond if you still don't understand it. When's the last time you had that option at the customer service desk?

Great job guys.  There's nothing to apologize for.
"The old ways will work in the future, but the new ways have never worked in the past."

Offline Gatekeeper

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2007, 11:47:00 PM »
This site is #1 for me! I like the all for one, one for all feel that this web site has. I hope some day I can start meeting some of the people that participate on this site.

I have had a couple of my threads interrupted because I get to gung-ho and forget to post the right size picture. No big deal I fix them and drive on. The rules are pretty clear, be respectful, keep the subject matter pertaining to traditional archery and watch your picture size. Ha Ha

Being a Moderator for a web site has got to be real challenge to say the lease. The Moderators for this site do a GREAT job at keeping us focused and civil. Thank you guys it does not go unnoticed by me.

I am still quite new to this site compared to a lot of you but I hope that someday my name will be recognized by a lot of you and we can engage is some good conversations.

Merry Christmas and may 2008 be an even better year for the whole Trad Gang.
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

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Offline Deadbolt

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2007, 12:09:00 AM »
keep up the good work guys!  ya'll do a great job here and have a great group of people!

i have gotten one thread pulled on my experience with ancient spirit but vermonster pulled it being that it was "under review" but has never re-posted it for me and that was 4 weeks ago.

Offline Mudd

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2007, 12:41:00 AM »
I give all those who take time to make this place what it is..AAAAA+++++++  Merry Christmas to Tradgang and all it's family members.
God bless,Mudd
Trying to make a difference
Psalm 37:4
Roy L "Mudd" Williams
TGMM- Family Of The Bow
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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #35 on: December 23, 2007, 12:50:00 AM »
Love the site and have had most of my posts pulled  :biglaugh:  I'll learn one day. Put really, thanks to all that make this site fun and for all the stories shared. Merry Christmas

Offline Deerhntr

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #36 on: December 23, 2007, 12:50:00 AM »
Thumbs up on this site is all I can say. Accept This.

May new bows be under your tree's and Happy Hollidays to you all!!
Cancer must have a crooked shootin bow cus it ain't kilt me yet.

Offline heydeerman

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #37 on: December 23, 2007, 05:47:00 AM »

Thanks for using my quote. I thought nobody listened to me around here.   :smileystooges:  

Might I suggest that even if you have been on here for a while, Ive been here from dern near the beginning, that you take a look at the forum rules from time to time. I havent looked at em since I first signed on and I posted a pic in my signature that got my registration locked up  :notworthy:

Offline Minuteman

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #38 on: December 23, 2007, 06:38:00 AM »
Mods are doing good work in my estimation. I've had one pulled, is was a stupid thing to post so I got over it.
  Good job Mod's! Merry Christmas everybody!
There sure is alot of air around a squirrel...eeyup.

Offline LBOW

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Re: Moderator!
« Reply #39 on: December 23, 2007, 06:48:00 AM »
Merry Christmas to all. Terry and the mods, thank you all for a great job keeping this a informative and positive way for us to express our love for traditional archery. I'm proud to be a small part ofit.  THANKS AGAIN
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