The transpotation fee is a reasonable fee. His hunting area is about 5 1/2 to 6 hours from Windhoek airport. You should be able to share the ride with the other hunters that you will be hunting with. We slept in spacious canvas cabins. We were on a concrete platform about three feet high with the back bricked in for your bathroom that had a flush toilet, sink, and a shower. The water heater was a large tank that the help would build a fire under in the afternoon so you would have a hot shower before dinner. They used solar collectors to charge bateries for lights. If you needed to charge some camera batteries, you would have to use the power at the main lodge. Most blinds are pit blinds. Shots from blinds will be less than 20yds. You should have no problem taking a nice gemsbok. Kudu are also abundant. I took both in 8 days of hunting. I also had two oportunities with nice eland bulls at 10-15 yds. I passed on both because I wasn't planning on anything quite that large. I was shooting 700 gr. POC with Grizzly 2 blade from 47# @ 31" BW recurve. As Docbrady stated, you could find less expensive options. My decission to go with Alan was based on a few things. For a once in a life time trip, I wanted to go first class. The people that I spoke to were very complimentary about his operation (Denny Sturgis, Jr. for one). You would not be disapointed.