Thanks for the info.
Joseph, I've met you a few times at miso. PBS Banquets. Thanks for poking in with your thoughts I value your opinion.
It must have been something to be the only person in camp for so long. By the way, and I don't mean to sound like a dope (but I will) what does KLM airline stand for?
TradAlaska, I'm 190# and 5'11", but I'm going to fly business class. I can barely sit in coach for the 5 hours it takes me to get to Texas on South West. I always feel like effing cattle on that airline...Last time I went to hunt Texas I was wedged between my #300 friend and another guy I did not know that was poking in the #280 area. The secret to surviving the flight was breathing shallow. It was a rediclous flight.
Yes, I'm from Cali. I lived in Santa Rosa for a number of years. I like the Sonoma County area very much, though the traffic has somewhat worsened since you left. It's like a slightly rolling parking lot which heads to and from SF.
I'm in the SF area in a smallish coastal community. This said, I'd liek to get my family out of this state as you did. Where in Alaska are you? I've spent a bit of time through the islands around Sitka.
Stay well and thanks for your help.