We hunted not far from Ha Nora last July at a place called Makalaan. Antonie was a top guide for Ha Nora for years but has had his own operation for several years now. He doesn't take many hunters a year, our gang of four was the most hunters at one time he's had. It's very good that way one on one hunting squared. His accomidations are great, food was great, and the hunting was superb. There was three traditionalist in our group and we took 28 animals. Most shots 15 yards or less, tree stands with plenty of room and the same goes for the pit blinds he will also let you spot and stalk with the bushman AWSOME. Top notch in every aspect of the hunt besides the fact that Antonie and his family are great folks. There is an add in the PBS for Makalaan (Or PM me). Our gang checked into to several before going. We are glad we choose Antonie, one of the gang is headed back this August. I'm going to Tanz, or Mozem, after Cape then going back! Check it out, it's worth a call.