Marty, the SilverFlame was the first screw-mount BH to make my 'best quality' list. It would add a bit to it's "certainty" if you'll add a SMALL Tanto profile tip though. I did have a number of the factory-profile tips bend or chip the tip, on angular bone impacts. Other than that, and a few bone gouges on the ferrules, there was no damage to any of the SilverFlame BH's.
Other than the bevel difference, they also give up a bit of penetration capability because the ferrule fade-in to the blade is a bit abrupt, but with a suitable arrow setup they performed/penetrated reliably enough on all reasonable-shooting-angle rib impacts. Their steel is among the best I've seen on any broadhead. Edge sharpness should be no problem at all!
Even with perfect flight and Extreme FOC, I'd be inclined to use a bit more total arrow mass with the SilverFlame than I would with a high mechanical advantage single-bevel BH. If you look at the IF Extreme FOC arrows in the 2007 Part 2 Update, you'll see that they are giving consistent (100% frequency, to date) exit wounds on every broadside, back-of-the-shoulder hit on trophy class Asian buffalo. That is from a relatively low-efficiency straight end 82# LB, with a total arrow mass of 790 grains.
Looking at the relative penetration difference shown on normal and high FOC arrows (between the Modified Grizzly I used on those arrows and that shown by SilverFlames) I'd be inclined to say that a "like performing" Extreme FOC arrow with the SilverFlame would need to be around 900 grains total mass (from a bow of like performance).
Your BW is relatively high-efficiency. Its performance likely exceeds that of the 82# LB, especially if your draw length is longer than my 27 inches. That may let you drop down a bit in arrow mass, but I think you will still need to be AT LEAST around 850 grains even to get close to 'like penetration-performance'.
I can't stress enough the 'perfect flight' portion of 'likeness' to the arrows I tested. Regardless of what arrow setup or mass you decide to use, spare neither time, effort nor expense to get arrow flight perfect. It needs to be absolutely "spot on".
You can use the 20 yard impact momentum level shown in the Update's 'arrow setup' descriptions to get some idea of how whatever arrow you decide on SHOULD stack up. All I can you give at this time is guideline calculation formula that will give you a 'theoretical' approximation of what you'll need to equlize the Modified Grizzly and the SilverFlame; on 'like arrows' (Same external dimensions, excepting the BH, and with Extreme FOC and perfect flight.)
The normal and high FOC data, for rib hits, suggest that the SilverFlame needs roughly 10% more impact MO to offset the Modified Grizzly's higher MA and single-bevel advantage. This implies that you need to be trying for around a minimum of 0.60 slug feet of impact momentum at 20 yards - and MOST of that momentum increase needs to come from increased arrow mass, rather than increased velocity. That, in theory, should give you approximately the same amount of outcome penetration on like-hits.
I must stress that the above is still very theoretical. I have not yet tested the SilverFlame on Extreme FOC arrows. However, the above calculation apperas to give a fairly accurate 'outcome performance' guideline between the 'similar profile' BH's that have been tested at Extreme FOC.
Regardless, you can count on such a setup giving you at least a solid thorax-traversing hit, from all reasonable shooting angles.
Hope that helps.