id like to share a place very special with you, many have shared adventures from hunting big whitetails in Idaho to elk in Colorado on Tradgang now id like to share some of Africa with you.
For those that have traveled and hunted Africa you will know the magic draw the orange sunsets and the noises of the night have on a man's soul, awakening instincts and keeping fear and power on a knife edge.
This year i had a good friend James along for the 2 month trip we would join Robtattoo and Andy another bowhunter from here in the UK to hunt in Namibia for a week. Then we travel for a few weeks before heading into South Africa to help out of my uncle's safari operation for a month where we met up with Nigel (leopard).
ill start off on our hunt in Namibia...

Couldn't stop Rob grinning all the way there

First morning

James was the first with blood on the ground, this was his first trad kill he turned out to be a killer with that Silvertip of his as the trip played out.

Got my dad into trad archery and this is his first trad bow kill

Namibia is a pretty place