I got a few Heroic pictures of me and the bow from the Africa Trip, i guess i can post one or two of them.
I did my time in those hides with that hill and only thing i could have shot was a Eland,
(passed up the shot) last thing i wanted was to put an arrow 2" deep in the side of an Eland.
Out of my million shots i bagged 2 rabbits
Ben, its a Take Down Cheeta, 70" 65lds at 28" im to 29draw and with some respectible scratches, dings and holes, this bows seen some action.
I think Hills are tanks as the best of times, and at 65+lds its to much, thus short draw ect makes for poor shooting.
Am wanting to buy a take down Hill Blank, + - 50lbs, I think that will help alot.
But on the current exchange rates,its no good. I have to wait for my money to be good agains the US$.
:( :(