I hunted with Barrel and Bow in the Limpoppo region late Aug. early Sept. and had the time of my life! I can't recommend them highly enough. Marco would take excellent care of you.
I took Impala, Wildebeest, & Kudu, all with 61# long bow & 995 gr arrows. I love very heavy arrows so I went way on the heavy side. I agree with what's been said already; shot placement is more important than heavy pounds. The vitals are way far forward, shoot where you would on a whitetail & you'll have a gut shot.
I did all spot & stalk or treestand hunting, if you're going to hunt out of a hide make sure you practice shooting out a small window to get used to the tunnel vision. If you're thinking of doing any "other than hide hunting" I highly recommend a ghillie suit. The animals in Africa are the wariest creatures I've ever hunted. The good news is there's enough critters that the next encounter is just around the corner.
The animals are as tough as I've ever seen, an arrow that would bring down an animal here won't get the job done over there.
I took over 300 pictures and I didn't take enough. Take your camera with you where ever you go, you'll regret it if you don't.
I had no problems with my bags or customs, I know people that have though so I did the 2 bag, 2 bow thing.
Be forewarned though, once you hunt in Africa the seed has been planted, you'll have to go back!