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Author Topic: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia  (Read 6660 times)

Offline 2wfstlhunting

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2009, 08:31:00 PM »
 Thanks for taking the time to read the story.  I think that I got a little bit carried away, and from the looks of the limited comments it was not that interesting for most guys. A bare bones approach seems to draw more interest. I was trying to share something more than the go kill some big animals idea as that was what I wanted out of this last trip and did get it. The game there was good quality and plenty of healthy specimens.  I could certainly have taken more but there are those realistic constraints from space at home, budget, and of course why not leave something for another time.  This ranch did not have the smaller antelopes to speak of and no terrain for springbok which I had been interested in.  I could have traveled for a day to a neighbor's place, but I was having so much fun where I was that I just passed on it.    I would love to go back: what could be better than 10 days of nice weather, unpressured and succesful hunting and charming hosts with nice accomodations.  Sadly, although if I was single I would have already rebooked for same time next year, I have to be fair to the family and wife and spread the time and money around a little bit.  I am hoping with good luck and good health that I might go in 2011.  I still have a interest in bushbuck, springbuck, and maybe going ahead and shoot that old male eland that I passed on this year. I do find black wildabest interesting although the brown don't do a thing for me. I have to admit to an unhealthy fascination with kudu and would certainly get a kick out of pursuing "the big one" even though I did take the 2 that I posted pictures of.  I guess if guys can have a wall of whitetails, why not a few kudu?

Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex Mahogany and bamboo 62" 53#@27.5"
Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex curly maple, birdseye maple and Osage riser 53#@ 28"
Blacktail 62" longbow takedown 53#/57# B & W ebony
Harvey Crowned Eagle longbow  62"  49#
Wes Wallace Royal longbow 62" 57#

Offline Siewho

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2009, 09:56:00 AM »
Steve, I dont really think that you have got carried away. You were excited and wanted to share your joy with fellow trad hunters. I am sure for every one that have posted their response there would have been dozens that would have read and apprecited your story and effort in posting on the web for all to enjoy. I certainly love those pics and your sequential narrations.
Very well put regarding the desire to go back to Nam and the obligations that we face. On this trip my wife came with me. We spent a total of three weeks in Nam. The first 7 days was at the ranch - me hunting, wife almost bored to tears! The second two weeks we went on a camping safari/explorer tour around Nam with a tour group. Very hard work pitching tent every evening and taking it down every morning going from place to place. I know where I would rather be! Nevetheless it was still enjoyable. Out of the 7 days of supposed hunt I really only hunted the first two days. The rest of time I was trying to capture some video for the DVD.I enjoy almost as much videoing a hunt.
Just out of curiosity you mentioned in your story that you opted against a TDLB. Was there any particular reason? Yes my next trip would be 10 days or more I hope.

Offline 2wfstlhunting

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2009, 08:48:00 PM »
My (second) wife has known that I was a hunter since day one and she vowed never to say I couldn't go (although at times she gets a little testy).  She absolutely refused to go as she thought that she would be bored to tears and I am sure that she would have been after the first day or so waiting all day just "hanging out".  As it worked out, I have to honestly say that it was probably a better trip for me because I had absolutely nothing to worry about or feel guilty about other than the pure selfindulgence of eating, sleeping, hunting and meeting new people.  I did feel that the country was safe enough and interesting enough that at some time in the future I would like to tour the more scenic areas with her and not for hunting.  

I have never been a video guy , but I do love in my very amateurish manner to try to get nice still photos. The reality is that shooting from blinds immediately gives you that artificial angle and makes the picture "unnatural".  In addtion, how many pictures of the same types of animals can you take before it gets a little ridiculous.  I guess that you could just keep snapping away until you get the "perfect picture" given that digital photos don't cost anything more than the electricity to charge the battery.

Funny, I had forgotten all about the takedown issue. Actually the story is like this:  I have takedown recurves and they were always more convenient to travel with. Before the current insanity, I can remember even carrying one onto a plane with me as hand luggage with no problem at all.  Now I shoot longbows, and except for a single one that I got used and never take apart, they are all single piece bows.  I have a long case which has traveled to the western US, Canada, and even Africa in 2002 without the slightest problem besides getting a little more beaten up each trip.   Because of that, I never really had any incentive to buy a takedown for its "convenience".  Last year however, I went up to Canada to hunt bear along with some friends from Arizona, and we ended up in this "camp" with 3 other guys.  It worked out great (another story) but one had a new Wes Wallace takedown that he had put in his suitcase to travel with.  He was crazy about the bow, so when I got the hots to have another bow made for the special occasion of this trip I of course thought about a Wallace takedown which I would then put in my suitcase and then not have to worry if one of my bags didn't show up: the perenial worry of all hunters doing to Africa.  However, after finding out the measurements of the parts of the bow after it is taken apart, I recognized that it would not fit in my 30" bag. It might have fit in a 32" bag, but not only did that mean a new suitcase, but that technically excedes the airline current restrictions AND if my "other" bow was going to be a one piece and require a full size tube to travel in it just didn't seem to make any sense and how much extra luggage fees can one pay before it gets ridiculous. My other bow was going to have to travel in the long tube anyway so I just went with a single piece bow which of course is a little lighter, a little less expensive, and one thing less to break.
 Fortunately, my bags all arrived without any problem. My host led me to believe that it is unusual for bags to not arrive, unlike flying to Johannesburg.

Oh well, a long answer to a short question.
Thank you again for reading my saga and encouraging me to believe that others might have read it too. I wanted to share the excitement of the country, the place, and remind people that it is not all just dead animals and hero pictures that make the memories.

Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex Mahogany and bamboo 62" 53#@27.5"
Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex curly maple, birdseye maple and Osage riser 53#@ 28"
Blacktail 62" longbow takedown 53#/57# B & W ebony
Harvey Crowned Eagle longbow  62"  49#
Wes Wallace Royal longbow 62" 57#

Offline Siewho

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2009, 09:32:00 AM »
Thanks Steve for your comprehensive answer. Now I understand your rationale for not picking the TDLB. I thought your reason may be "technical"! Like you I had to take the broken down length of my 62" TDLB into consideration and made specifically this bow for the trip. It fitted nicely into my 28" suitcase. Now that this bow no longer in my possesion I am actually halfway making another almost identical bow except shorter (60" NTN) and a bit more grunt (70 #). Well it was not intentional. If I had not made the blunder of cutting it an inch too short (over confident and not double checking -Silly me!) it would have been 62" NTN and around 60#. Not finish yet but was able to have a few quick shots today. Very fast and quiet. Not sure if my elbows will like it though! I am going to gently ease into it and see.
Again Thanks for sharing your stories on here and at Bowsite. I absolutely agree it is not just killing shot after shot but the whole adventure of being there and be one with our surrounding.

Offline 2wfstlhunting

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2009, 11:25:00 AM »
One last comment for anyone reading this.  Much to my amazement and hours of trying to get my bag weights under the limits, I ended up with NO extra fees.  I will tell you that my carryon very much exceeded the weight limit although not size, my bow case was over in length, and my single suitcase was under going but not returning.  Lufthansa and Namibia Air were VERY nice about this (as opposed to the obnoxious attitudes of the US carriers) and will certainly get my business again.
It has been great talking to you.  Best of heatlh and good fortunes

Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex Mahogany and bamboo 62" 53#@27.5"
Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex curly maple, birdseye maple and Osage riser 53#@ 28"
Blacktail 62" longbow takedown 53#/57# B & W ebony
Harvey Crowned Eagle longbow  62"  49#
Wes Wallace Royal longbow 62" 57#

Offline Siewho

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2009, 09:36:00 AM »
All the best Steve.

Offline rushlush

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2009, 03:13:00 PM »
I love all these Africa post and pics, thank you guys for taking me on your adventures.

Offline calgarychef

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2009, 10:24:00 PM »
Great post and thanks for sharing.  I can't get enough stories about trad hunting in far away places!

the chef

Offline Siewho

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2009, 08:23:00 AM »
Thanks fellas. Half the fun is sharing our excitement, the joy of the hunt, the wilderness and of course many a time the sinking feeling of seeing one's arrow missing the mark! I supposed it is the like mindedness that draws us to this site.

Offline Siewho

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2010, 12:20:00 PM »
Heading back to Agagia in Namibia this July. Will try to harvest different games and plenty of videos and pics hopefully. Building a new bow - Recurve this time for the trip. Really looking forward to great time   :archer2:

Offline rushlush

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2010, 02:26:00 PM »
Goodluck! And definately keep us posted!

Offline Benny Nganabbarru

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2010, 10:45:00 PM »
All the best, Siewho!
TGMM - Family of the Bow

Offline Siewho

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2010, 11:55:00 AM »
Thanks Rushlush & Ben. Sure to keep you guys posted.

Offline Ben Maher

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2010, 09:57:00 PM »
looking foward to pics mate !
" All that is gold does not glitter , not all those who wander are lost "

Offline Siewho

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2010, 01:14:00 PM »
Sure do Ben! Would have love to fling an arrow or two with the boys in August...may be next time. All the best with the seminar and sambar hunt.

Online cacciatore

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2010, 05:00:00 PM »
Siewho,I have just seen your thread:congratulation,very nice game you have taken there.Thanks fo sharing.
1993 PBS Regular

Offline Siewho

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Re: Agagia Bowhunt - Namibia
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2010, 09:35:00 AM »
Thanks Cacciatore. Always a pleasure to share with like minded people. Cheers.

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