Marty, if you could put my concerns to rest with answers, I would gratefully breathe a sigh of relief, enjoy learning something new, and congratulate you on an achievement.
Now, as for disclaimers, you really can't expect to post things in public and then have people go, "Ooh, okay, I better not read that because I might not like it." I mean, what if somebody wrote, "Disclaimer: Don't continue reading if you don't like shooting tethered animals!" Or, "Don't continue reading if you don't like reading about gutshots and non-recovery!" These are just examples of scenarios which would evoke strong responses, and disclaimers just don't cut it.
Your lion hunt doesn't offend me at all. I simply have questions about it, and would love to have my concerns allayed. Now, as for your last comment, yes, that did offend me.
I do enjoy your hunts and respect your ability, but I simply have questions about this one.
Best regards,