Fox, there's a LOT of truth and thirty years of solid on-the-ground-experience to back the research that they and many others have done. The same pattern can be seen all over Africa. The movie fantasy of endless plains of game might have been real thirty or fifty years ago, but now it is down to intensively managed islands and that's the core problem that they are talking about. Small pockets of paradise are unsustainable genetically. Mobile game is mobile because that behaviour 'fits' all the other factors of the environment, not least the recovery of grazing and the reduction of disease by the temporary absence of the carrier species who have migrated elsewhere. The rotation of populations and the consequent breaking of disease and parasite feedback cycles in a natural system is what agriculture aims to achieve by crop rotation and fallow fields. The Jouberts are highly respected and have been around long enough to know what they are talking about.There is no 'pro' vs 'anti' fashionable garbage to them.