Thanks for starting this thread. Yes, TD, I agree not all donated hunts are from " sub-standard" outfitters. But, they have a point. It’s given me cause to think about my own situation. Son, who I started on a bow when he was about 3, went with me on a donated hunt in 09(33 bowhunting years later). He paid his share, but wouldn’t have considered it himself if I hadn’t bid on it and won. It was the hunt of a lifetime in many ways. We shared sights and experiences that only added to our lifetime of experiences together.
I wouldn’t want to think about changing anything because you can’t pick and choose about how you would relive the great times of your life. But, knowing more than a little about outfitted hunts, that wouldn’t be my choice of hunt again. It was a wonderful experience, and we took some nice animals, but there were some things about my own experience that would make me go a different way. I’m going back next year, with others –my age-who’ve been there before, and we’re doing it differently(but, maybe it’s the way most do it on the second or third trip. No packages, or paid-for animals, just a daily rate and pay-as-you-go. Different concessions, because we want bow hunting-only and more credible references. We are going to spend more and, hopefully, have experiences that mean more to “experienced hands” when we get home.
I know some of the names of the BEST bow hunting concessions in and around South Africa…and I mean no disrespect to say I believe they will ALSO offer some “incentive” hunts this year and in the future. They have to! Let’s face it: we traditional bow hunters here in middle America think little of hunting Alaska, British Columbia, the Yukon, or Africa. They are too far away, and way “too expensive” for us…and our buddies at the club will not really relate to us after that! But, when you really start thinking about it, the biggest bargain on the planet is Africa. And, what gets us there? For a lot of us, it’s the donated hunt. Always a great time…! But, we see enough that we want to go back and have a better experience( = spend more!) OK, if the “top tier” of outfitting concessions think they don’t have to engage in the incentive hunts, MAYBE they are right. But, just maybe they should be happy that some not-so-good outfitter is doing those hunts! Hemingway and a jillion others, before and since, have proven the old saying that no one goes to Africa once(or whatever the quote really was!)
Heck, I can forgive the true top-notch concessions for resenting those that are skimming the cream of the “first year” African hunters. I would too. I hate it when a competitor I know offers an inferior service takes some business that I could have done better. But, in my business, and –hopefully in his- the customer will realize and make a different choice next time. And…..whether he wishes to acknowledge it or not…..there is value added to HIS quality service by ANYONE who first gets that bowhunter to Africa the first time- so he will be more open to making his NEXT trip to Africa a much better one!!!!
I’ve spent more than my share on outfitted hunts where I wasted a lot of money. I don’t want to defend anyone who gives an inadequate hunt. It’s a tragedy for those hunters who have scraped and sacrificed for the ONE chance they may have to live their dream. To take their disappointment lightly would be insulting. But, I also can’t really accept that a bad outfitter destroys the living of the fine outfitters in his area. If the hunting in his area is truly a resource, it may be that he is only building the reputation of the outstanding outfitters by insuring that the returning hunters will look for someone far better than their first choice! Sometimes quality is difficult to recognize, but it’s always easy to return to!