I used two bows, Morrison ILF Risers on both, one was 58" for shooting out of some of the tight pit blinds, the other 62", used Border HEX 6H Limbs and Morrison MAX-1 Limbs. You can't tell the difference between the two from a distance, and you can't tell the difference in performance either. Both were 56# at my draw. Used both Aboyer Wapiti and Grizzly Kodiak heads, both performed brilliantly. Used Victory HV 350 Shafts, 100 grain brass inserts, 125 gr. BH adaperts in each head, Aboyer head weighed 300 gr. and the Kodiak head weighed 325gr. Total arrow weight 660 to 685 gr., both set-ups had an EFOC of over 30 and Momentum of over .5 slug lbs.
Had full penetration on everything except the Blue Wildebeest, shot him quartering away and hit off shoulder. No animal traveled over 200 yards and all but one droped within sight of the blind. Completely satisfied with all the equipment, and even my shooting didn,t let me down. RW