Interesting article, Jim.
Unfortunately, any particular bow has a set amount of KE, like it or not.
It's only after one has chosen the bow that one moves onto the issues of momentum.
Also, unfortunately for me, I'm not familiar with "Slugs." But, I will bring myself up to speed with that when I get a chance.
What I will say is that I read on Trad Gang where someone killed a Giraffe, and he posted up the particulars. My bow/arrow combination has, at this point 95.5 % of the momentum that his arrow had. So, I think I may be good on a Kudu.
Right now, I've got a 554 grain Gold Tip Traditional out of a 54# bow. I looked at lots and lots of different arrows, including Full Metal Jacket for Dangerous Game - and compared how they might tune using Stu Miller's calculator. After all that, I'm thinking I might buy some Easton Gamegetter 2317 arrows.
My problem with some of the Carbons is that, if I put a weight tube in the center, the FOC goes down and I don't think I would want such an arrow.
One other point. I've tested and tested and tested arrows with various weight and various velocity. I have yet to conduct a test that demonstrates a statistically significant difference in penetration between arrow of differing weight. The most radical test I did was a 390 gr arrow versus a 554 grain arrow, both tuned to my Brackenbury bow.
While it does appear that there is a relationship to the momentum being the important factor, so far, that can't be demonstrated by evidence in my tests.