We already had Christmas here yesterday, due to commitments for my adult children.
#1 son gave us a digital picture frame (hope to add a deer pic to it before I run out of season)
#2 son gave me Masters of the Barebow Vol. 2 (gotta love that kid!)
1 and only daughter gave me an umbrella type tree stand blind (hope that changes my luck!)
The wife and I kind of gave ourselves early presents: leather Lazyboys for the living room and new office furniture and TV for her home office. My Kanati arrived early so I gave myself an Eagle Flight quiver.
Best of all, I got to spend time with my family...especially my 2 year-old grand-daughter. My daughter is also due to add my second grandchild on July 25...exactly the same day as son #2 is getting married...and she is in the wedding...stand by to see how that works out!
For those of you who have to wait for tomorrow, hope you have a merry Christmas and that you are as blessed as I have been.