A very Merry Christmas to you all! Well, I hope I can describe the hunts adequately enough and what I can't the pictures can describe more adequately. I always liked it when other folks share their hunts on here, so here we go:
We had a snow storm the night before with wind gusts up to 50 mph, but in the swamp it remained calm enough for no blowing snow. We recieved about 4" of the white powder that makes tracking so lovely.
What a beautiful walk in it was!

The swamp is pretty thick as is, but with snow it's even more so.

And just what I like to see! Well, almost;)

Of course a guy has to do some stump shooting on the way in.

Well, I got to my spot to head off the trail to my stand. Here is the bait being used. Here in Wisconsin we can only use two gallons at a time. It sure doesn't last long in the swamp.

I made my way back to the blind for the afternoon sit. Here is hopefully the last thing a deer doesn't see;)

And here is the view from my blind to the baitpile.

It was an exhillirating evening in the swamp. There is just something in the air with a fresh snowfall on the ground and fresh tracks at your bait. A bluejay and woodpecker kept my attention most of the evening. No deer where seen from my blind, but it was a great afternoon nonetheless.
I headed back out to meet up with my friend and see how his luck had been. "Did you see anything?" I ask. "Yeah" he replies with a smile on his face. "Did you shoot at anything?" I ask as the excitement starts to rise. "Yup" He replies. "Did you get one?" I ask finally. "Nope, I missed high, she jumped the string on me." Oh boy oh boy, it sure does get a guy excited when all that hard work baiting and seting up results in a shot. He had had three antlerless deer come in and this deer was looking straight at him when he took the 25 yard shot...about an inch over her back. I gave him a big congrats even for the miss. I sure do get excited! I had to take off to go to a christmas party so I bid him farewell as he went to bait his other stand and collect the deer camera placed there. It ended up with over 400 pictures on it. Well, more to come...hopefully I can get out again today for a bit. Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Matt