I sat here today and had to laugh...that last drive you fellas did was brutal...the climb wasn't a piece of cake either for us standers..
Then...we find out..after we finish...that a group of bowhunters pushed the same piece of land 2 hrs earlier and drove all the deer out!
It just wasn't meant to be....
Tom...maybe you should drive walking backwards. This way when a deer sneaks around you, you'll spot him and get off a shot. Also...by walking backwards, that bedded deer would have assumed you can't see him and you just might have gotten off a shot!
Pete...I believe your right. Ever since I've been hanging around Scott...I've noticed I'm getting more forgetful, wake up with headaches, and I'm not seeing the amount of deer I usually do...gonna start cuddling up to Bamboo more....
Stiff Rod...we notice that when we are walking from one spot to another and trailing everyone...
Seems the last line in front of us is usually Pete, Bamboo, Larry and Jimmy...and all Tom talks about is "If I had a line like that in High School, I would have gained over 100 yds a game." OK Al Bundy....then Bucky broke the news to us later....Stiff Rod was the friggin water boy!!!
Think about this fellas...how about sometime in March, we pick a Saturday, meet someplace for an afternoon of eating, BS'ing about the hunts and just having a good ol time....