This arrow was built with a batch of others,except it and 2 others were not used until almost 14 years later.
I got back to bowhunting again,after all this time passed.
When my good friend finally got me to go hunting,I took the bow down from the rack,wiped a ton of dust off of it,and sharpened the three broadheads.
I chose this arrow to use out of the three,for my first shot,if I got one.On my second outing,I killed an antler less deer.It was a button buck.
You can see a picture of it in my post,"back from retirement."
The arrow flew true,and shattered the left rear femur,(the deer had run past me,but I was locked in on it,and released the arrow)it cut the femoral artery,and the deer didn't go very far.
As if that weren't amazing enough,the arrow and head were left unharmed.Tomorrow,I'm going back out,and I will be using the arrow again.
I hope that it will fly true once again,and I pray that my kill,if I am so honored,will be clean.