Here's a series of pictures taken when we went to the World Longbow Championship shoot at the Howard Hill Archery club in Alabama in 1981. Before the shoot Jerry Hill took a bunch of us on a tour to see Howards home and afterwards to see all the Howard Hill memorabilia at Jerrys home.
Mrs Ben Pearson is standing next to Jerry in the center of the photo. I'm over on the left in shorts holding up a post.
Howard set these post to hold his target bales. The wood was a little rotten so I put a piece in the bottom of my quiver for luck
At Jerrys place I'm holding one of Howards bows, "White Eagle", I could feel the Mojo :D
When I put on Howards glove I felt a warm sensation go up my arm. I remember saying, "I can feel Howard in this glove,.. I'm going to win this shoot tomorrow"
The next day we arrived at the shoot