Got no argument with you, Brett, but if you will look back on the contest and its requirements, we are after a universal ambush bow, one that will suit the most hunters in the greatest variety of situations. My own draw length is 27, not 28. Bow design requirements are to an ideal, not to a person. This is a challenge beyond individuals. It is not a contest. It is a challenge to the bow itself, and only through that to the builder of the bow.
That said, draw length for longbows, unlike recurves or compounds, is an arbitrary matter, dependent upon shooting style and therefor in great part irrelevant to body size. You can make it whatever you want, even at your length of limb, because you can hold the bow to accommodate your intentions. Howard Hill thought 27" the perfect compromise after sifting through all concerns, so he made his draw length 27" and developed a loose-limb shooting style for the hunting bow that took advantage of that draw length.
In short, please don't let the requirements keep you from attempting an entry. It's good to "stretch" yourself. :-)