Wow, what can I say about Hope. Denton Hill was AWESOME. Hope got to play with everyone. She spent some time with her sister, and I believe she had a major "hands on" experience.
Rick and Dusty Ellis, Builders of Hope and Faith:
Me and Droptine59 "hammin' it up" before everyone signed the shirt:
Me and Scott "Southpaw Shooter" taking Hope and Faith on the Trad Gang shoot:
I had a great time, and am grateful to everyone who signed the shirt. Rick and Dusty Ellis had the honor of signing the shirt first, and then (in no particular order) the signatures were as follows: Droptine59, Drewsbow, StoneKnife and son Joe, Yellowbow, Bushwacker, Tom Phillips "the Bearman", Flightmedic, Matthew Nall, Sensai, WapitiChaser, Raineman, BBassi, Widow53, BJK, Non-typical, Platt 14, Southpaw Shooter, Nanook and Moe, 4runr, Huntit, justabitoutside, tippit (thanks for everything BTW), Jimneye, Swampbuck, Peckerwood, Bill M, Yellarknome, JL, Wingnut, Lee Viv, Tiode, Paul (from Sweden), Rob from Trad Tech, (and Paleface made it up saturday but missed me, so he gets to sign it tommorrow).
I have kept a VERY detailed journal for Hope. Just to give you all a taste, here is Saturdays':
"Hope spent the morning in the Striker booth after I warmed her up. Rick and Dusty seem to be very grateful for their part in her adventure. I picked up Hope and we went on the "Trad Gang" shoot. Man was that fun! Got everyone to sign the shirt and almost every Trad Ganger shot Hope or Faith. The great part was that Hope was joined by her sister faith. Scott "Southpaw shooter" took Faith, and we shot the round (most of it) together. We were "pimping" them to everyone we could.
A lot of foam fell victim to Hope and Faith today. StoneKnife's (Jim) boy Joe shot Hope and really liked her (and never missed!). I hope he tells stories about her one day.
Pictures were taken and hands were shaken and I did my final pimping to Nanook and his better half Moe. He shot Hope at the last target (the moving one while it was still) and we talked Moe in to shooting it. Her second arrow hit the metal bracket just above the target and absolutely "grenaded" her arrow. In Hope's case you will find the remnants of that arrow which represents the "Trad Gang" shoot at ETAR-Denton Hill.
Hope spent the rest of the day getting a heck of a workout at the Striker booth."