If I may, I'd add a few thoughts:
Regarding toilet facities; I wonder if a simple shade device, even a tarp with poles, couldn't be placed over a "bank" of job johnies to keep them from baking in the open sun? Nothing like going into one of them puppies and it's nearly 100 degrees inside, whether they're "cleaned" regularly or not...
Camping also comes to mind. Camping out should/can be a quality experience. Some shoots I've attended post rules regarding pets on leash, noise after certain hours, day-shooter parking areas, etc, but then seemingly do little to enforce the rules...
Left to their own devices, late comers sometimes seem to exercise poor consideration for others and literally park in your lap and set up camp. Some shoots actually lay-out a camping area and if you're going to be late, you either have to "ask" politely if you may be allowed to crash another's established site or make plans with others to allow you to come into their set-up when you get there.
Having adequate camping area to house all those who pay to camp becomes an increasingly important issue as shoots grow in popularity. When that doesn't happen, the hassle factor sets in and it seems shoots start to decline... may be a correlation...
In review: Something to help keep the toilet facilities in the shade and the camping experience a positive one would fit within the overall concept of organizing a good shoot.