and of course the Texas Aggie wanted to measure it in inches of mercury pull by that distance from the anchor point to the hand on bow in a tube with a diameter of 1/1000 the distance of the lenght of a string which would brace the bow to a brace height of 1/8 the lenght of the string x 1000. That would give a draw of 200 millibars for me
....he was the engineer
the archer on the AMo board said "I know what myh draw lenght is and I ain't gonna tell ya"!
The pharmacist on the borad said "who cares lets smoke this stuff"
The preacher on the board is stilling praying over it.
The selfboyer on the AMO board didn't care then and don't care now.
the bowhunter on the board is still tring to figure out what BH to use
The custom bow maker on the AMO board is still tring to figure oput how BW sale for....well you know
I'm still tring to figure out if the sun really comes up in the east. I mean who decide that was east. Does the sun rise in the est in China. I bet they don't know the world east. If ya'as in the near east does the suyn sit in the far west?
Rusty -anchor point to bow touche - CRaine
East ain't east it is ching do ping ding,,,watch for it