Thanks Rusty. I let the sinew dry for a few days on the blocks (~2") as it sat on top of my funace. Didn't get liftoff, though, so I took it off the blocks and threw in right in the hotbox (105 deg F). I'm checking reflex daily and so far it's picked up 1/8". Right now its at 1-11/16" total.
Wonder if I just didn't let it set on the blocks long enough or if 1-2 thin layers of sinew on a 66" bow doesn't provide enough "yank"? (1 thin layer on the whole bow, leftover sinew went on as a 2nd layer on lower limbs).
BTW, The purpose of the sinew in this case is to keep the back intact. The stave had very thin rings (18/inch) and a myriad of small checks. Nearing final tiller, I noticed that a few very tiny horizontal cracks were trying to form by jumping across the closely spaced checks. They just screamed, "Splinter!", therefore I opted for the thin sinew job.
Rusty, I've always enjoyed and learned alot from your bowmaking forays. Thanks for posting!