Dang Sparky. Thanks bud. I don't remember doing anything particularly nice. I do love swappin' out stuff and you and yer dad are real fine folks I'm pleased to have as friends.
On the bow, I'd warm the wind check, super glue it with some of the better quality thin glue and clamp it. Chances are you'll be fine but I really couldn't see anything in the pic.
On the tiller, Holms are tricky. I think you want the wide wood to work. That will make your tiller more stiff ended. I haven't tried that particular width profile but I have read it's a beach to get the width taper to work because of the pronounced transition from strenght in width to strenght in thickness.
By my reckoning you are a little scarce on wood for much bow at 29". This is probably fortunate because 50# @ 29" is all I care to shoot. If you keep it dry I expect you can make that without too much follow. Try to steal as much work out of the handle section as you can.
I know ya'll have all seen this pic a thousand times but for comparision, it's 65" NTN and 2" wide nearly full lenght. As you can see, you have to really work a 65" stiff handled bow to get 29".