Ok Lennie, I'll play.
(1) material (osage, hickory, etc)
(2) ntn length
67" NTN for 29" draw. Since Mickey is all anal about everybody being specific 65" for 28, 63" for 27".
(3) handle design (rigid, semi bend, bend)
(4) handle length
(5) fade length
3" to 5" of width taper with 1" to 2" left not working. 2" for Mickey's stats.
(6) limb design (full width to mid, past mid or straight taper from fade)
taper to full width at 1/3rd limb then taper back down to 1/2" nocks
(7) limb width at fade
1 3/8" at full width for 55#
(8) Limb length (even length or asymetrical)
slight asym with lower being no more than 1" shorter
(9)Belly type (flat, slightly rounded, deep core)
slightly rounded
(10) backing (none, sinew,rawhide,snakeskin etc)
(11)rest type (none, glued leather, bone, floppy etc)
glued leather
(12)overlays (yes, no, material)
(13)profile (straight, reflex, static curve etc)
straight to 1/2" of string follow
(14)finish (tung oil, tru oil, french polish, massey, thunderbird spar urethane etc)
(15)handle covering (none, leather, laced, wrapped etc)
leather like laced but overlap glued, not ribbon wrapped.
(16) string type and material (endless,flemish, dacron, FF etc)
Flemish FF 14 strand with double serving of 50# Spiderwire braided fishing strang