i went to k-zoo to pick up the supplies i needed today. man that place was packed. anyways, i cant stress enough how important it is that you get good shafts. in the end, it comes down to the arrow launching the broadhead. so i went with jim curlee single tapered shafts. awesome guy, awesome shafts. first things first. you need to straighten the shafts. i reccomend the ACE Roller-Straight. its an awesome little tool. here are the shatfs after straightening.

next, get blue scotch painters tape. cut off a piece about 1.5 inches long and wrap it around the are you want to stain. this will keep area that you dont want stained safe. make sure the tape is lined up and snug against the shafts. eventually you will just get a feel for when the tape lines up. do this with one shaft, then line up the arrows with the shaft you just did. dont switch shafts or the arrows will have some differences in them.

here are all 12 after they have been taped.

now pick the stain color of your choice. i use minwax becuase that goes with the polyacrylic that i use. get an old rag or some paper towel and apply the stain to it. start wiping the stain on the areas that you want stained. when done, prop the shaft against a wall.

here are the shatfs after being stained.

let the shafts dry overnight or for about 8 hours minimum. tomorrow we seal and crest. enjoy.