Hey, Terry, from where I'm standing there's not a thing to be sorry about! I sure hope Killdeer pipes up here, she's much better at helping get the right things said than I am. I know how you feel, I get that way all too often. We're always harder - hardest - on ourselves. Imagine for a moment that it was someone else - what would you be feeling, thinking, or saying, to THEM? I think you'd be first to offer comfort, and remind them that they were giving a good thing, with the best motivations and intentions. And ya know? - you'd be right.
As for billets, I just spent a large part of the lunch time (okay, and a bit more than that) looking up splicing, etc. Timely thing to do - even Rusty posted that some of the best bows are from billets, since it's easier to find good wood 36" long than it is to find a good full length stave. A good bowyer, and a good "modified fishtail splice," and you may just have a better bow than a full length stave could ever produce. Plus, a lot easier to induce reflex or deflex that way.
Ya done good, friend. I know that you're feeling bad about it, but it makes me and I'm sure most if not all of us ache for ya. Anyone that would have donated any wood, it could have been the same exact thing. Just remember - think what you'd say to someone else. And then, take it to heart. Okay? Besides, that stave is destined to be something else....
"St. Jude's Osage Box Turkey Call"
"St. Jude's Osage-Handled Knife"
"St. Jude's Osage Smoking Chips" - okay, maybe not! lol!
"St. Jude's Osage Billy Club" - hmmmmm....
"St. Jude's Osage Flute"
"St. Jude's Osage........."
Well, you know what I mean...
Cheer up, Bud. And God Bless you.