Hi gang!
As requested I am going to show how I do my feather splicing. As we are going, please feel free to ask questions. Just cause I think I am making sense doesn't always mean I am.
oh and forgive my spelling mistakes.
To get started, please gather up...
1 scrap 2x4
1 sharp xacto knife or similar
1 roll of fletch tape
1 feather clamp from a fletching jig
2 full length uncut feathers of different colors
1 emry board or dremel with sanding barrel
1 ruler
1 sharpening tool. (it's much easier if you keep your blade sharp, as cutting feathers dulls them quickly)
1 roll of fletch tape.
got it? great.
Place out your 2x4 and measure out 5 1/2" and mark. (this is assuming you want to make a 5" feather)
then draw a vertical line accross the wood.
Next measure from the line 2 1/2" toward where the front of the feather will be, mark, and draw another vertical line accross the board.
your board should look something like this..
Now, take up the feather you will use as your "Base" or in this case what color do you want the front of the feather to be.
Place it on the board and cut it at the 5 1/2" line.
Our base feather is all set. Place it on the wood as if you were going to cut it. Starting at the 2 1/2 " line cut along the top of the spine of the feather toward the back end, but stop just shy of the 5 1/2" line.
The reasone for stopping is that you'll use the last few frills of the feather to pull up the membrain.