Sorry for the delay, my bow came off of the form Saturday and I must say I am stoked. It came out great. Here are the photos of the blank.

I am also playing around with handle shapes before I commit myself. The one in the photo is pretty good but I have a LOT more scrap wood to experiment with, and I plan to do so.
Sunday, after a beautiful morning of shooting with DesertDude, M60gunner and a couple others I tapered the limbs.

I used my bandsaw and the bet sander. I now have a dull fiberglass only blade (the one that came with the Grizzly, and it was not very good). The glass sure wears out a sanding belt too. I bought some of the blue belts today to see how they last.
Next came the handle over-lays. There is a slight compound curve to the back of the riser that made getting the right profile tricky.

I used the bandsaw (new blade), belt sander and then a scraper and block sanding to get it right. I also cut strips to glue to the front of the riser. The woods are maple and black walnut.

Then, I cut some pieces for the tip over-lays. Maple, black phenolic and walnut.

I plan on gluing these with Smooth-On tomorrow evening and then baking in the hot box the next evening for about four hours. I sanded the glass for the glue with 100 grit and it does not have as much "tooth" as the the raw glass from Bingham. Should I use 60 grit? I don't think I have anything more coarse except 36 grit belts for my drum sander.