I learned that God is still in control, because I hated hunting public land, I don't know how many times I asked for private land to hunt, and !
When I gave up and God had control of it, I not only got private land to hunt, but all the 18 tree stands on the land to use. God was good to me this year. I never use my own tree stand once. And I never took a shot from my bow, my freezers not full of deer meet, but 45 lbs. of it ! And my heart has two new friends in it. So you never know, how your hunting season is going to go, I really enjoyed every time I went out into the forest. And the last day, setting on the forest floor, no chair just in my insulated hunting suit with 8 in. of snow under me I will always remember the sunset, and how it looked, and how I enjoyed this year. Even though I never shot a deer.
I have to say this year was a peaceful year in my neck of the woods.
God is good,
Pastor Carl