The Seasons Armguard Package from Farr West Leather, is for the hunter/archer that likes the protection, peace of mind an armguard provides, but doesn't like the bulk and discomfort of wearing a full size armguard in the warmer months, yet needs a fuller size armguard in the cooler/colder hunting months.
The package includes one, Plain&Simple Shorty, and a Plain& Simple regular armguard, with or w/o design.
Cost for this package; $40.00, without design, $55.00-$65.00 with design, plus $5.00 shipping. Designs available, whitetail shed, arrowhead, deer track (the "Booner"), bear, buffalo skull, carp head, bear track, and elk shed, the bear track, and the elk shed being the higher priced ones. These can be matching armguards, or different colors for the seasons.
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