Yesterday, June 4th, a few members of the United Bowhunters of Illinois engaged in a float trip down the Fox River in search of carp. Attending were Jared Shofner, Tim Nuss, Geoff Kishpaugh, Lou Meglio, Shane Engelkes, and myself. Here are some highlights from the outing...

Geoff Kishpaugh and Lou Meglio test the theory about not standing up in a canoe. Apparently, Lou wounded a carp so they decided to "track it" through the water and attempt a second shot. Now that's dedication!

Jared Shofner recorded the first fish of the day, then proceeded to shoot a bunch more.

The vast majority of fish were taken by spot and stalk through the water. Occasionally the carp would spook, thereby requiring a running rabbit-type shot.

As Shane Engelkes cleans off yet another carp, Jared wrestles with temptation. I didn't encourage this in the least (yep, I'll stick with that story too).

Shane's arrow went through the carp and into an old beer can. I wonder if that's why they call carp "trash fish"?

Jared and Tim Nuss cut their canoe into the launch at the end of a long day. The scenery and weather was absolutely beautiful, except for a brief but powerful thunderstorm that forced us to hold up in an island for half an hour. No matter how many times I go down this stretch of river, I never get tired of it.
My personal thanks to all who attended and made the day a success.