Well boys and girls I found my arrow from the other evening and put it back in my quiver, no damage from the pass thru on the mulie. Went down on the Yellowstone with my buddy Ray Alt where I got the two deer last year. Just before dark an old doe and couple of little ones came out in the brush behind my stand. One of the younguns made the mistake of stopping in one of them brush tunnel like Warren likes. I sent the same stone tipped arrow down that tunnel, after a short trail deer #2 with goes down. She's a dink but man is she gonna taste good! Only problem is now I'm outa doe tags and they only let me kill one buck up here.
She busted the arrow and I didn't find the point, going back tomorrow to see if I can find it. Forgot my camera so gotta wait for Ray to email pics.
Shot the Wind Talker 65# and Cbiskit arrow with stone point.