Good looking bucks and pics guys!
My youngest son and I went up in the Cascades looking for some Blacktail bucks to photograph. Found some doe's, but the bucks weren't taggin' along yesterday.
It's been storming pretty hard this last week, and when we got up about 3500' elevation there was a foot of fresh snow.

Looked cool, but the deer seemed to be dropping down out of the high country. So we dropped down and checked some other areas.
I've been watching this 4x4 forest service road sign for many years. The bucks rub it every year, and last year they finally rubbed in half, but they're still using it to rub. There were some big, fresh buck tracks in the snow going right up to the rub and it had a pile of fresh shavings on top of the snow. He couldn't have been too far away!