Well, here's my first addition to this thread this year. Cut and pasted from the original thread.
here's the story:
Well, tha day before, I'd been asittin in my loc on right along side of a dry crickbed that runs between the two fields whose two corners are on either side of the little pocket of trees I'm keepin watch o'er. This nice little 6 pointer comes a saunterin outa one o the aforementioned corners right down the trail that I'd targeted with this stand location. He crosses the little creekbed right in the spot he's supposed to and stops right in the spot he's supposed to about 6 yards away from the base of my tree. Yeah, I know, 6 yds (keep that in mind). I had to crouch a little to make the shot up under the limbs providing a little cover for me and I was a starin a hole in his side just watitin for the right time. Well my brain says "allrite - go 'head" and my bowstring starts back. Well, about that time for some unknown reason, my eyes decide to take a coffee break an lose that little spot they's been watchin and when m'brain gives the "launch" signal and fingers drop string, my eyes look up from their warm mugs of joe to see that pretty white fletchin go JUUUUUUUUST over the little bucks back. YEAH, I mmmmm.....I miiisssss.....I missssssssssssseeeeddd (yeah like I said SIX YARDS) OKAY!!!!

Oh yeah - Ralph, sorry bout that stone head, it didn't survive the hi speed trip into the creek bottom.
Well, little Mr. 6pt. don't really know what happened and hops off just a couple of steps and then goes about his bidness. SSSSSOOOOO, to keep this story a reesonable lenth, I figured he mite be back tha next morn'n.
So, day 2
I waited an waited for little Mr. Man to come back but NOOOOO, he took a diffr'nt root this morn. I was just tinkin 'bout gettin down an goin on to work when I caught movement outa my peri.....periff.....periphar.....outa my side view and LO AN BEHOLD itus not one but TWO TWO TWO bobkittys en route down the little crik bed. They got a little antsy roun where I'd spit outa my tree an the bigger one sorta spies around a little. She did put her paws on my tree and tha pucker faktor meter jumped for a secon' er two but she 'cides to stay on tha groun and turns to folla tha other kitty. I swear she looked RITE at me two or three times and never paused for a second (thank you Whitewater for a great leafy suit). She stops right where Mr. Man did the day before. I did just like the day before but me an my eyeballs had had a talk 'bout them coffee breaks while on the stand an all and we weren't gonna have nunna that mess again!!! That Ace 200 gr. super express found its mark (ten-ringed her for you 3-d shooters :cool: ) and little miss Kitty takes off like nuthin , and I do mean NUTHIN this ole cuntry boy's EVER seen in his life. Flippin an bouncin, rik-o-shay'n off tha brush an trees and after I got over the shock of actually connecting on 'er, I just had to laugh at how danged funny that was. I got down to find a good blood trail that lasted for about 50 yards of kitty floppin travel. MAN O MAN, what a rush. That's the first Bobkitty I'd ever seen that close and I've got her waitin on a taxy-dermitoligist. I didna have a camera on me (huntin Ferret lite an all) but I'll get one for ya.
Thanks for takin the time an effert to reed all this mess and for the constant encouragement and wisdom you all provide me on this site!!!
Here's the pics. She's been in the freezer waiting for the stuffin job so it ain't the bestest most natural pose. Oh an pay not attention to the date on the pic, it ain't right.