This is a friend of mine, Roger Alexander. He harvested this nice 9 point in the afternoon on halloween.
Here's a short story for you guys.
A friend of mine was going deer hunting when he noticed a coyote running out in the pasture that had partial woods that run about a hundred yards to a ditch. Somewere in the ditch there is just this little thicket of briars. Roger, being a big predator hunter anyway runs out and gets behind some of the thicket. He gets his predator call and starts calling, about 20 yards out he sees the briar starting to shake. His only thought was that it couldnt be the coyote, and sure enough it wasnt. This 9 point walked out towards him, turned broadside at 15 yards and he made a nice shot.
It was really hard for me to belive this story but I know him well enough to know that luck just follows him.
Congrautulations to my buddy.