Paleface nailed it, I only want to add a few minor things I do differently.
I use my waist as a guide for tree arm position. Waist while I am standing that is, so it would be almost exactly the same as Robs shoulder height position.
I like to film on the way in when I hunt a stand in the afternoon, as you never know what will pop out, so i have my tripod, I take the camera off and leave the tripod at the bottom of the tree, so if I get lucky I have a tool to take place of my hands when I need it.
Editing is my real passion, I love attempting to tell a story, and you can successfully do that with Windows movie maker, however Final Cut, Vegas, Pinnacle, Avid and Adobe will make the story telling process much easier and possibly flashier than movie maker and imovie.
Film making is a process, one part cannot be left out, that is for sure.