Our bow season ended Sunday. I can't say as I struck out. I did pass on several does and three bucks, one a fairly nice 8 point. Saw 5 more nice 8-points, and got close to three of them, and came oh so close on a beautiful 10-point, but no cigar/shots.
I started hunting big or at least mature bucks quite a few years ago. Since we're only allowed one buck on our archery tag, that means I have to pass up the smaller ones. It also means that I sometimes eat tag soup. But the challenge is in the hunt, not the killing. Holding out for a mature deer enables me to spend a lot more time in the woods, this year, to the last day. Despite the fact that I didn't kill a deer, this was one of the best deer seasons I've had. Of course, it didn't hurt that I already had a Wyoming elk in the freezer.