First, let me apologize for such a long appreciation for this bow and its maker deserves no less in my humble opinion.....
I've got a good friend that goes by Greywolf in Hawaii that builds bows and I have been admiring his work for the past few years....
Well back in May or June of last year he sent me a bow to try out.....kind of a "prototype" to see if he could make a good shootable recurve by taking weight off of some really heavy poundage limbs (70+ pounds down to 57 or so). He had made a lefty riser out of some native Hawaiian wood called "pheasantwood" and sent the bow to me to shoot and tune it for him.
It was a very good shooting bow!! And VERY quiet for a recurve. Heres the bow with the first handful of arrows I used with it....
Since the bow was definitely a shooter, Mark (Grey's "real" name
)told me that he had a guy there in Hawaii that he had made it for. Because he had let me shoot the bow for so long, I offered to put some rattlesnake backing on it and finish it up for him...
Here it is after the makeover....
Well, the time finally came for me to give up this pretty little 'curve (it's named Sage BTW) because me and Grey and some other folks had a hunt set up down in Brackettville, TX at a ranch called Bowhunters Paradise and he had told me to bring the bow with me so he could take it and give it to his friend now that we had it fixed up....
Well it turns out that the "Friend" he had made the bow for was MMMMMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
He really surprised me good when he gave it to me!!!
IF you look in front of my bow you can see a fallow doe...but we weren't allowed to shoot those...
Pretty blurry but it says 'SAGE' "For YLEE, Good Hunting, Greywolf"
So then I got busy and put MMMMYYYYY new bow to work!!!!! I used it some while there at Brackettville, then took it with me to Freer when we had our hunt at Smitty's. I was able to get a couple rabbits there but no deer....
My last chance came on the last weekend of December and I decided that if anything other than a fawn came in that I was going to put it in the freezer!! Saw a lot of mulies (but they were already out of season) and it wasn't looking good.....
Finally Sunday morning came and the wind was howling and I still hadn't seen a whitetail. I was in my DB Matrix blind and hunting an area that has some pretty good trails coming into it. I started rattling and making a general disruption when this big bodied, little horned fellar come bustin' in!! His neck was swollen up and he looked like he was really lookin for a good fight.....well he got it... Becasue the wind was blowing so hard I didn't wait for a quartering away shot. As soon as he was within 10-12 yards and totally broadside I let the Snuffer tipped Blackhawk do its job.....Dang if it didn't hit forward of my spot.... I was really worried for a second but after he bucked and ran about 5 yards the arrow came out and it SPRAYED blood out! He only went a little ways further and that was it....
Thanks again Mark, your friendship and generosity are truly valued! This bow will get lots of use believe me!!! And the backstraps from this deer were the best ever!!!!!