I do a kickbutt core routine (Mark Verstegen's Core Essentials--look on Amazon) with some Crossfit exercises three days a week, cardio with some quick, intense weights on the two off days, and do something active at least one day on the weekend. Starting in mid-summer when running the dog I begin to carry a weighted pack up a steep ridge behind my house about 2x a week, working up to 80 or 100 lbs. to build the stabilizers and get ready for packing meat. All this makes a tremendous difference with intelligent but not crazy eating, some beer and red wine, but stress still makes me feel tired and grim. Haven't quite whipped that one yet...too little time with the kids, hunting, and friends, and a little too much work for the last couple of years (~50-60 hours). What a difference 10% or 15% less work would make...Missing a workout adds to my stress at this point, and happily there's a gym a few minutes from work for a late afternoon break on the longer days. 6'0, 165-170.
One thing to keep in mind is that joints, ligaments, and tendons toughen more slowly than muscle. Give them some time. I have pretty crappy joints from various injuries and age (I'm 51), and if any of you fitness gurus want to weigh in on joint conditioning I'd be grateful.
To a large degree health (and, for that matter, much of happiness) is a choice you make repeatedly, to the point it becomes a habit. For what it's worth, I really admire you guys who are forming new habits. Doesn't take long, but it takes some perspective and discipline.