Whew, you all have been busy these past few weeks. Took me a while to catch up here. The shooting tips are going to make for some very happy shooters. Once it clicks, it clicks! Just groove it in!
I've been out chasing cow moose and mule deer. Made three trips for moose, 11 days of hunting in total, and despite hiking to the end of the earth (I am pretty sure it was just over the next ridge) I never saw a single moose. Amazing!
The deer hunting has been a lot more fun. Have not arrowed one yet, but have seen some every day, and several were rather large. One buck was bigger than anything I have seen in at least three years.
Seeing big bucks like that keeps a guy going when the steep terrain tries to wear you down. The ridge I took this photo from takes three hours to hike up to. Nice view though.
Here is one of the average-sized 4x4 bucks. I wanted to try out my new camera's zoom lens. The buck was about 400 yards away, and the photos turned out a bit grainy.
He was in love. She was not.
The season is still open, and I still have a tag, so there is no conclusion to this story. Well, except for the fact that my Big Five shot the largest Boone and Crocket grouse I have ever seen. Pole axed it.
When it hit the ground, it sounded like a five-pound boulder. A monster of epic proportions. If there are more like this up there, I may need a heavier bow!